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The main configuration file (

The file contains the main simulation settings and parameters as well as the optics-specific knob names. It consists of a single dictionary named configuration.

Examples can be found in the pymask examples folder.

The detailed content of the configuration dictionary will be discussed in the following.

The parameter mode defines which beam needs to be configured for tracking, whether beam-beam effects should be included, and what workflow is followed. The following modes can be used for the simulation of the clockwise beam (beam 1):

while the following modes can be used for the simulation of the anticlockwise beam (beam 4):
The following two modes are also available mainly for testing purposes (some features may not be available when they are selected):

The parameter links defines links to the required tools and repositories:

'links'   : {
          'tracking_tools': '/afs/',
          'modules': 'tracking_tools/modules',
          'tools': 'tracking_tools/tools',
          'beambeam_macros': 'tracking_tools/beambeam_macros',
          'errors': 'tracking_tools/errors',

The optics file to be loaded is defined by:

'optics_file'              : '/afs/', #15 cm

The automatic checks and the saving of twiss tables on parquet file, at different stages of the computation (for checks) can be enabled using the following parameters:

'check_betas_at_ips'       : True,
'check_separations_at_ips' : True,
'save_intermediate_twiss'  : True,

Tolerances for the automatic checks on beta functions and separations at the IPs are defined by the following parameters:

# Tolerances for checks [ip1, ip2, ip5, ip8]
'tol_beta'                 : [1e-3, 10e-2, 1e-3, 1e-2],
'tol_sep'                  : [1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6],

The tolerance to check the machine flatness (after the crossing_disable macro is executed) is defined by:

'tol_co_flatness'          : 1e-6,
The beam parameters (used to configure the MAD-X beams) are the following:
'beam_norm_emit_x'     : 2.5,          # [um]
'beam_norm_emit_y'     : 2.5,          # [um]
'beam_sigt'            : 0.076,        # [m]
'beam_sige'            : 1.1e-4,       # [-]
'beam_npart'           : 2.2e11,       # [-]
'beam_energy_tot'      : 7000,         # [GeV]

Machine settings like tunes, chromaticities, rf voltage, octupole currents are set through the following parameters:

# Tunes and chromaticities
'qx0'                  : 62.31,
'qy0'                  : 60.32,
'chromaticity_x'       : 5,            # [-] 
'chromaticity_y'       : 5,            # [-] 

# RF voltage
'vrf_total'            : 16.,          # [MV]

# Octupole current
'oct_current'          : -235,         # [A]

The "luminosity control" features are controlled through the following parameters:

# Luminosity parameters
'enable_lumi_control'      : True,
'sep_plane_ip2'            : 'x', # used by python tools - NOT by legacy macros
'sep_plane_ip8'            : 'y', # used by python tools - NOT by legacy macros
'lumi_ip8'             : 2e33, # [Hz/cm2] leveled luminosity in IP8 
'fullsep_in_sigmas_ip2': 5,
'nco_IP1'              : 2748, # number of Head-On collisions in IP1
'nco_IP2'              : 2494, # number of Head-On collisions in IP1
'nco_IP5'              : 2748, # number of Head-On collisions in IP1
'nco_IP8'              : 2572, # number of Head-On collisions in IP1
The luminosity control (e.g. through separation leveling) can be flexibly defined by the user through the function lumi_control in the optics-specific tools file.

The configuration of the beam-beam encounters is done through the following parameters:

# Beam-beam parameters
'numberOfLRPerIRSide'      : [25, 20, 25, 20],
'bunch_spacing_buckets'    : 10,
'numberOfHOSlices'         : 11,
'bunch_population_ppb'     : None,
'sigmaz_m'                 : None,
The head-on encounters are modelled by a set of 6D beam-beam lenses, each associated to one longitudinal slice of the strong beam (constant-charge slicing is applied). The procedure used to configure the beam-beam lenses based on the MAD-X model of the collider is described in detail in this document.

The z-dependent orbit distortion introduced by crab cavities is calculated using the MAD-X twiss, using orbit correctors to simulate the effect of the crab cavities. These correctors are supposed to be installed in the loaded sequence and are controlled with a knob called `z_crab, which defines the z-position along the bunch to be simulated by the correctors. The following input parameter defines the z coordinate for which the crab bump is computed:

'z_crab_twiss'             : 0.075,
The RF curvature, is applied by rescaling the bump with a sine function (as discussed here).

The following boolean parameter defines whether the matching of the tunes and chromaticities is performed taking into account beam-beam effects:

'match_q_dq_with_bb'        : False,            

The following boolean parameter allows disabling the installation of the crab cavities:

'enable_crabs'             : True,

The following settings are related to the linear-coupling correction, allowing to set the number of iterations used to minimize the linear coupling and the values added after this correction to the linear coupling knobs.

# N. iterations coupling correction
'N_iter_coupling'            : 2,

# Value to be added to linear coupling knobs (on sequence_to_track)
'delta_cmr'                 : 0.,
'delta_cmi'                 : 0.,

The following parameter enables the print of extra information by the MAD-X parts:

'verbose_mad_parts'         : True,
The knob_names dictionary allows providing the names for knobs that need to be used by the pymask code:
'knob_names' : {
  # Common knobs
  'sepknob_ip2_mm': 'on_sep2',
  'sepknob_ip8_mm': 'on_sep8',

  # Knobs associated to sequences
  'qknob_1': {'lhcb1': 'kqtf.b1',  'lhcb2':'kqtf.b2'},
  'qknob_2': {'lhcb1': 'kqtd.b1',  'lhcb2':'kqtd.b2'},
  'chromknob_1': {'lhcb1': 'ksf.b1',  'lhcb2':'ksf.b2'},
  'chromknob_2': {'lhcb1': 'ksd.b1',  'lhcb2':'ksd.b2'},
  'cmrknob': {'lhcb1': 'cmrskew',  'lhcb2':'cmrskew'},
  'cmiknob': {'lhcb1': 'cmiskew',  'lhcb2':'cmiskew'},

In particular, the following parameters define the names of the knobs controlling the parallel separation at the IPs:

'sepknob_ip2_mm': 'on_sep2',
'sepknob_ip8_mm': 'on_sep8',
the names of two independent knobs that can be used to match the tunes are defined, for the two beams independently, as follows:
'qknob_1': {'lhcb1': 'kqtf.b1',  'lhcb2':'kqtf.b2'},
'qknob_2': {'lhcb1': 'kqtd.b1',  'lhcb2':'kqtd.b2'},
the names of two independent knobs that can be used to match the chromaticities are defined, for the two beams independently, as follows:
'chromknob_1': {'lhcb1': 'ksf.b1',  'lhcb2':'ksf.b2'},
'chromknob_2': {'lhcb1': 'ksd.b1',  'lhcb2':'ksd.b2'},

the names of the "cmr" and "cmi" knobs that can be used to control the linear coupling are defined by:

'cmrknob': {'lhcb1': 'cmrskew',  'lhcb2':'cmrskew'},
'cmiknob': {'lhcb1': 'cmiskew',  'lhcb2':'cmiskew'},
Such knobs can be available directly from the optics file or generated by the mask (if the flag enable_knob_synthesis is enabled and the optics toolkit provides the required functionalities).

The knob_settings dictionary contains the values to be set for certain optics-dependent knobs. The setting of these knobs is performed through the function set_optics_specific_knobs in the optics-specific tools file and not directly by the mask. As a consequence, different knob names can be used in different optics, without changing anything else than this function.

The only knobs that are used directly by the mask are on_disp which controls the dispersion correction bump (if present) and on_crab1/on_crab5 which control the crab cavities (if present).

An example of knob_settings dictionary is shown in the following.

'knob_settings':  {
  #IP specific orbit settings
  'on_x1'                   : 250,          # [urad]  
  'on_sep1'                 : 0,            # [mm]   
  'on_x2'                   : -170,         # [urad] 
  'on_sep2'                 : 0.138,        # [mm]   
  'on_x5'                   : 250,          # [urad] 
  'on_sep5'                 : 0,            # [mm]   
  'on_x8'                   : -250,         # [urad] 
  'on_sep8'                 : -0.043,       # [mm]   
  'on_a1'                   : 0,            # [urad] 
  'on_o1'                   : 0,            # [mm]   
  'on_a2'                   : 0,            # [urad] 
  'on_o2'                   : 0,            # [mm]   
  'on_a5'                   : 0,            # [urad] 
  'on_o5'                   : 0,            # [mm]   
  'on_a8'                   : 0,            # [urad] 
  'on_o8'                   : 0,            # [mm]   
  'on_crab1'                : -190,         # [urad] 
  'on_crab5'                : -190,         # [urad]  

   # Dispersion correction knob
   'on_disp'                 : 1,            # Value to choose could be optics-dependent

    # Magnets of the experiments
    'on_alice_normalized'     : 1,
    'on_lhcb_normalized'      : 1,

    'on_sol_atlas'            : 0,
    'on_sol_cms'              : 0,
    'on_sol_alice'            : 0,

The following boolean parameters allow disabling the installation and correction of machine imperfections (for now available only for HL-LHC optics) and the synthesis of the linear coupling knobs:

    # Enable machine imperfections
    'enable_imperfections'     : True,

    # Enable knob synthesis (for coupling correction, if no imperfections)
    'enable_knob_synthesis'    : True,
The following dictionary can be used to control the installation and correction of multipolar and alignment errors:
    # Parameters for machine imperfections
    'pars_for_imperfections': {
        'par_myseed'               : 1,
        'par_correct_for_D2'       : 0,
        'par_correct_for_MCBX'     : 0,
        'par_on_errors_LHC'        : 1,
        'par_on_errors_MBH'        : 1,
        'par_on_errors_Q5'         : 1,
        'par_on_errors_Q4'         : 1,
        'par_on_errors_D2'         : 1,
        'par_on_errors_D1'         : 1,
        'par_on_errors_IT'         : 1,
        'par_on_errors_MCBRD'      : 0,
        'par_on_errors_MCBXF'      : 0,