The main configuration file
The main configuration file (in the following called main.mask
) allows the user to configure the simulation.
Examples of main configuration files can be found in /afs/
and on github.
The main.mask
consists of different sections:
- Preparation of the environment
- Configuration section including:
- Magnetic and alignment errors and correction
- Run the madx scripts and mask modules
Preparation of the environment
In the following we will refer the example you can find here.
In this section the user defines the paths for the tools that will be used in the following.
! Check documentation at
system, "ln -fns /afs/ tracking_tools";
! Mask code folder
system, "ln -fns tracking_tools/modules modules";
! Machine folder
system, "ln -fns tracking_tools/machines machines";
! Toolkit folder
system, "ln -fns tracking_tools/tools tools";
! Beam-beam macros folder
system, "ln -fns tracking_tools/beambeam_macros beambeam_macros";
! Errors folder
system, "ln -fns tracking_tools/errors errors";
Please not that we are pointing to the tracking_tools
repository and from them we link the other folders. In particular
- the mask modules,
- the machine folder (from which the make_sequence script can be taken),
- the tools (for optics independent macros),
- the beam-beam macros,
- the errors macros.
To know more about the -fns option check here.
Each folder of the previous is associate to a github repository linked to
- the mask modules repository,
- the machine folder repository,
- the tools repository,
- the beam-beam macros repository,
- the errors macros repository.
Updated versions folders will be maintained in the AFS optics repository at:
Configuration section
Choice of the make sequence script
The user needs to provide the path to a MAD-X script that build the machine sequences and link it to make_sequence.madx
! Choose build machine script (sequence, makethin, optics, optics toolkit, cycle)
system, "ln -fns machines/sequences/hl14_thin.madx make_sequence.madx";
You can find an example here.
The script
- specify variables for the machine version (
) - specify the link to the optics repository folders and calls the
from the optics dependent toolkit. - call the sequence(s)
- edit the sequence(s), if needed
- slice the sequence, if needed
- install placeholders for the errors
- rotate the sequence(s) to make it start from IP3
Some of the modules assume that the sequences starts from IP3 then the script should cycle the machine to start from IP3.
Predefined machine scripts for common simulation scenarios are available in the machine folder defined above and on github.
Choice of the optics
The user needs to provide the path to a madx script defining the optics and link it to optics.madx:
! Choose optics (magnet strengths)
system, "ln -fns machines/optics/hl14_collision.madx optics.madx";
Beam and machine parameters
In this section the users define the settings of the simulations.
Be setting the following flag
par_verbose = 1;
The sequence to be tracked is selected by:
mylhcbeam = 1; ! LHC beam 1 (clockwise), LHC beam 2 (clockwise), LHC beam 2 (counterclockwise)
1 → LHC beam 1 (clockwise)
2 → LHC beam 2 (clockwise)
4 → LHC beam 2 (counterclockwise)
The sequence for the LHC beam 1 counterclockwise (MAD-X beam 3) is not available.
The bunch parameters are specified by:
! Beam parameters
par_beam_norm_emit = %EMIT_BEAM; ! [um]
par_beam_sigt = 0.076; ! [m]
par_beam_sige = 1.1e-4; ! [-]
par_beam_npart = %NPART; ! [-]
par_beam_energy_tot = 7000; ! [GeV]
Chromaticity, octupoles and RF voltage are specified by:
par_oct_current = -235; ! [A]
par_chromaticity = 5; ! [-] (Q'=5 for colliding bunches, Q'=15 for non-colliding bunches)
par_vrf_total = 16.; ! [MV]
Tunes are defined by:
! Tunes
par_qx0 = 62.31;
par_qy0 = 60.32;
Orbit knobs (e.g., crossing angles and separations at the IPs) are defined by:
!IP specific orbit settings
par_x1 = %XING; ! [urad]
par_sep1 = 0; ! [mm]
par_x2 = -170; ! [urad]
par_sep2 = 0.138; ! [mm]
par_x5 = par_x1; ! [urad]
par_sep5 = 0; ! [mm]
par_x8 = -250; ! [urad]
par_sep8 = -0.043; ! [mm]
par_a1 = 0; ! [urad]
par_o1 = 0; ! [mm]
par_a2 = 0; ! [urad]
par_o2 = 0; ! [mm]
par_a5 = 0; ! [urad]
par_o5 = 0; ! [mm]
par_a8 = 0; ! [urad]
par_o8 = 0; ! [mm]
par_crab1 = -190; ! [urad]
par_crab5 = par_crab1; ! [urad]
The phase advance between IP1 and IP5 can be matched by defining the variable (leaving it at zero disables the matching):
! Phase advance
par_mux_ip15 = 0;
par_muy_ip15 = 0;
The dispersion correction knob is set by:
! Dispersion correction knob
par_on_disp = 1;
The magnets of the experiments are set by:
par_on_alice = 1;
par_on_lhcb = 1;
par_on_sol_atlas = 0;
par_on_sol_cms = 0;
par_on_sol_alice = 0;
Parameters for the beam beam modules
The following flag informs the code that head-on collisions are present:
par_on_collision = 1; ! If 1 lumi leveling in ip8 is applied and q/q' match is done with bb off
NB. This has no effect on the orbit in IP⅕ (the separations are set by the knobs defined above). The only effects of this flag are:
- Enables the luminosity leveling in IP8
- Tunes and chromaticity are matched with bb if par_on_collision = 0
, without beam-beam if par_on_collision = 1
The installation of beam-beam lenses is enabled by:
par_on_bb_switch = 1;
The bunch spacing is defined by:
par_b_t_dist = 25.; ! bunch separation [ns]
Long-range encountered are installed by default up to D1. The number of additional encounters in the D1 is defined by:
par_n_inside_D1 = 5; ! default value for the number of additional parasitic encounters inside D1
One lens installed for each head-on slice. The number of head-on slices:
par_nho_IR1 = 11; ! number of slices for head-on in IR1 (between 0 and 201)
par_nho_IR2 = 11; ! number of slices for head-on in IR2 (between 0 and 201)
par_nho_IR5 = 11; ! number of slices for head-on in IR5 (between 0 and 201)
par_nho_IR8 = 11; ! number of slices for head-on in IR8 (between 0 and 201)
The installation of the crab-cavities is enabled by:
par_install_crabcavities = 1;
Leveling in IP8
The target luminosity in IP8 is specified by:
! This variables set the leveled luminosity in IP8 (considered if par_on_collision=1)
par_lumi_ip8 = 2e33; ![Hz/cm2]
The number of colliding bunches for all IPs is specified by:
! These variables define the number of Head-On collisions in the 4 IPs
par_nco_IP1 = 2748;
par_nco_IP2 = 2494;
par_nco_IP5 = par_nco_IP1;
par_nco_IP8 = 2572;
par_on_collision =1
Magnetic and alignment errors and correction
Magnetic and alignment errors and correction are defined by:
! Select seed for errors
par_myseed = %SEEDRAN;
! Set this flag to correct the errors of D2 in the NLC (warning: for now only correcting b3 of D2, still in development)
par_correct_for_D2 = 0;
! Set this flag to correct the errors of MCBXF in the NLC (warning: this might be less reproducable in reality, use with care)
par_correct_for_MCBX = 0;
par_on_errors_LHC = 1;
par_on_errors_MBH = 1;
par_on_errors_Q5 = 1;
par_on_errors_Q4 = 1;
par_on_errors_D2 = 1;
par_on_errors_D1 = 1;
par_on_errors_IT = 1;
par_on_errors_MCBRD = 0;
par_on_errors_MCBXF = 0;
Run the madx scripts and mask modules
The last part of the main.mask
will actually do the job, by calling the previously linked madx files to build the sequence and setup the optics:
! (the user can introduce in this section additional custom code
! to edit machine and/or optics)
call, file="make_sequence.madx";
call, file="optics.madx";
and by calling the mask modules (the functionality of each module is described in another section of this site):
call, file="modules/module_01_orbit.madx";
call, file="modules/module_02_lumilevel.madx";
call, file="modules/module_03_beambeam.madx";
call, file="modules/module_04_errors.madx";
call, file="modules/module_05_tuning.madx";
call, file="modules/module_06_generate.madx";
Selected modules (e.g., the bb or the errors) can be disabled by removing the corresponding call. In that case please remember to setup the corresponding flags (e.g. par_on_bb_switch).
The order of the modules has to be respected.