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In this page we will collect some detailed examples of a pythonic approach to the LHC and HL-LHC masks.


This is the recipe to install the needed python package. We assume that you have access to afs and to the internet.

The shortcut

Open your lxplus terminal and enter

source /afs/  
and that's it.

The standard way

We suggest you setup your own installation (you will be more aware of the configuration and you will be customize it).

To setup your environment you can install a miniconda distribution. E.g.,

and follow the instructions.

After having activated it, install the needed packages by

pip install ipython numpy pandas scipy pyarrow matplotlib cpymad
Then install
pip install pyNAFF

In addition you need to install

  • pysixtrack

    git clone
    cd pysixtrack
    pip install -e .
    cd ..

  • sixtracktools

    git clone
    cd sixtracktools
    pip install -e .
    cd ..

  • sixtracklib. This requires a recent version of cmake. If you are installing on your own machine it should not be a problem. On lxplus, you call another environment before the installation (thanks to K. Paraschou, G. Iadarola).

source /cvmfs/

then you have to go back to your python distribution. E.g., please replace conveniently the paths below

source /afs/
export PATH=/afs/$PATH

Please check with

which python ipython cmake

that python and ipython are pointing to your miniconda and that cmake is pointing to


Then you can proceed with

git clone
cd sixtracklib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../python
pip install -e .
cd ..

Test it

You can download the lhcmask package.

git clone

It contains the examples that you are going to test. In particular you can now test a pure pythonic mask by

cd lhcmask/python_examples/hl_lhc_collisions_python
or you can run a standard MAD-X file by
cd lhcmask/examples/hl_lhc_collision
python ../../ main.mask parameters_for_unmask.txt --run

Each example is the markdown version of a jupyter notebook: you can read the markdown but you are also inveted to download and execute the notebook (at the start of the markdown document you will have the link to download the notebook). The full list of notebook is available here and you can get them by cloning this repository

git clone

Thank you for contributing.

A python mask for Run3

You can find here an example of python mask for Run3.

A python function for the luminosity leveling

You can find here a detailed description of the luminosity function we propose. An example its use can be found here.

We suggest also this interesting resource by S. Papadopoulou.

Installation of the wires

You can find here an example of installation of the wires for LHC Run 3, with several sanity checks.

MADX B2 vs B4

You can find here an example of the specifity of the MADX B2 vs B4.