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This page describes the structure and the usage of the LHC mask files. The contents are organized in the following categories:


The mask file is a MAD-X text input file that prepares the LHC model used for tracking simulations, for example with sixdesk/sixtrack. In the past, the mask was a monolithic long script that interleaved settings with MAD-X code, which was very difficult to use, develop and maintain. The new mask file described here overcomes some of these limitations providing a modular version of the mask, which separates settings from code.

The settings are provided through a configuration main file (in the following called main.mask), which is edited by the user to configure the simulation. The structure of the main.mask is described here together with the required external resources (sequences, optics, beam-beam macros, errors).

For most use-cases the user needs to edit only the first part of the main.mask, where most of the settings and parameters are defined. The second part of the mask is calling the different modules. The functionalities of the modules are described here.

The modules are hosted in a centralized repository, available:

The modules are, as much as possible, independent on the machine optics or configuration.


The modules are maintained by the responsible teams and should not be modified by the users, e.g., in local copies. This in order to prevent uncontrolled duplication of the code. Clearly all users are invited to contribute submitting issues, proposing fixes, asking questions via the repository.

Running a simple example


To run this example you need a machine having access to AFS, able to run the executables of the mask (in the repositories there are pre-compiled executables only for the UNIX-like platforms) and with python. In practice, it will work from LXPLUS (suggested solution for this simple example) or if you have an UBUNTU machine. It is not expected to work on WINDOWS or MAC/OSX.

To execute an example please create a test folder

mkdir test_folder 
Get an example main configuration script:
cd test_folder
cp /afs/ .
cp /afs/ .

In the main.mask you will have all the parameters. For historical reason (driven by the the SixDesk workflow), there are two types of parameters:

  • regular parameters (set directly in the main.mask)
  • masked parameters (present just as placeholder in the main.mask, e.g., %OCT%). These placeholders have to be unmasked if we want to execute the main.mask in MAD-X. The values for the unmasking is stored in our case in parameters_for_unmask.txt.

You can change the regular parameters to get your machine configuration by editing the main.mask and set the masked parameters by editing parameters_for_unmask.txt. Please refers to Handling of masked parameters for more details.

You can run the simulation by first unmasking the main.mask. This is done by a simple command

python /afs/ main.mask parameters_for_unmask.txt

and, finally, you can execute it with MAD-X:


We suggest to use the last version of MAD-X available on /afs/

madx main.mask.unmasked
That's it. To get familiar with the structure of the main.mask proceed to Structure of the main configuration file.